Daily Bread for 3.2.14

Good morning.

It will be cold today, with partly sunny skies and a high of nine degrees.

Sunrise is 6:29 AM and sunset 5:46 PM. We had a new moon yesterday, so today only three percent of the moon’s visible disk is illuminated.

It’s Dr. Seuss’s birthday. He would have been one-hundred ten today.

On this day in 1967, students protea against Dow chemical:

1967 – Beloit Students and Faculty Protest Dow
On this date a group of Beloit College students and faculty staged a silent vigil, protesting Dow Chemical representatives recruiting prospective employees on the Beloit campus. Dow Chemical manufactured napalm, or jellied gasoline, used by the U.S. military in bombing raids during the Vietnam conflict. Dow was prominently protested the same year at the University of Wisconsin Madison campus. [Source: Janesville Gazette]

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