Daily Bread for 3.21.14

Good morning.

Friday in Whitewater will be an increasingly cloudy day, with a high of fifty-one.

On this day in 1871, Stanley begins his search for Livingstone:

…Henry Morton Stanley begins his famous search through Africa for the missing British explorer Dr. David Livingstone.

In the late 19th century, Europeans and Americans were deeply fascinated by the “Dark Continent” of Africa and its many mysteries. Few did more to increase Africa’s fame than Livingstone, one of England’s most intrepid explorers. In August 1865, he set out on a planned two-year expedition to find the source of the Nile River. Livingstone also wanted to help bring about the abolition of the slave trade, which was devastating Africa’s population.

Almost six years after his expedition began, little had been heard from Livingstone. James Gordon Bennett, Jr., editor of the New York Herald, decided to capitalize on the public’s craze for news of their hero. He sent Stanley to lead an expedition into the African wilderness to find Livingstone or bring back proof of his death….

After setting out from Zanzibar in March 1871, Stanley led his caravan of nearly 2,000 men into the interior of Africa. Nearly eight months passed–during which Stanley contracted dysentery, cerebral malaria and smallpox–before the expedition approached the village of Ujiji, on the shore of Lake Tanganyika. Sick and poverty-stricken, Livingstone had come to Ujiji that July after living for some time at the mercy of Arab slave traders. When Stanley’s caravan entered the village on October 27, flying the American flag, villagers crowded toward the new arrivals. Spotting a white man with a gray beard in the crowd, Stanley stepped toward him and stretched out his hand: “Dr. Livingstone, I presume?”

Puzzability‘s Irish Stew concludes with Friday’s game:

This Week’s Game — March 17-21
Irish Stew
We’re going for brogue this St. Patrick’s Day week. For each day, we started with a word or phrase, added the seven letters in IRELAND, and rearranged all the letters to get the name of a famous person. Both pieces are described in each day’s clue, with the shorter one first.
Affirmative answer; Rescue Me star
Yes; Denis Leary
What to Submit:
Submit both pieces, with the shorter one first (as “Yes; Denis Leary” in the example), for your answer.
Friday, March 21
Turned wrong such that all the seams show; producer of the 1976 King Kong

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