Daily Bread for 3.24.13

Good morning.

Snow is likely this Palm Sunday in Whitewater, with a daytime accumulation of less than an inch. If that forecast should prove correct, March 18th will remain our last day with accumulation over one inch.

The Punxsutawney Phil poll is now closed, over 81% of respondents believing him guilty following his recent criminal indictment in Ohio.

On this day in 1989, a huge oil spill off Alaska:

…one of the nation’s worst oil spills occurred as the supertanker Exxon Valdez ran aground on a reef in Alaska’s Prince William Sound and began leaking 11 million gallons of crude.

Film fans may recall that Kevin Costner’s Waterworld (Universal, 1995) makes reference to the accident while depicting a dystopian future.

On this day in 1874,

Harry Houdini Born

On this date magician Harry Houdini was born in Budapest, though he later claimed to have been born on April 6, 1874, in Appleton, Wisconsin. At the age of 13 he left Appleton, where his family had emigrated, for New York City, and began his career as an escape artist and magician. [Source: History Museum at the Castle]

Google-a-Day poses a Civil War question: “What notable river was close by the campaign in which Lee defeated the much larger army led by Major General Joseph Hooker?”

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