Tuesday in Whitewater will be mostly cloudy with a high of forty-nine. Sunrise is 6:48 AM and sunset 7:13 PM, for 12h 24m 47s of daytime. The moon is new with nearly none of its visible disk illuminated.
Today is the one thousand two hundred thirty-second day.
Whitewater’s Police & Fire Commission meets at 6:30 PM.
On this day in 1874, Harry Houdini, who lived during part of his childhood in Appleton, is born.
Recommended for reading in full —
Christopher Rowland reports As Trump touts an unproven coronavirus treatment, supplies evaporate for patients who need those drugs:
The U.S. has all but exhausted its supplies of two anti-malarial drugs that are being used by some doctors in the U.S. and China to treat the coronavirus, but which lack definitive evidence as effective treatment or approval from the Food and Drug Administration.
Hopes that the decades-old drugs could be effective against the coronavirus were also boosted by President Trump, who told a White House press briefing last week that the compounds were “a game-changer” and have shown “very, very encouraging results.” He made similar remarks Friday and tweeted the recommendation again on Saturday morning, saying he hoped the medicines will “be put in use IMMEDIATELY.”
The sudden shortages of the two drugs could come at a serious cost for lupus and rheumatoid arthritis patients who depend on them to alleviate symptoms of inflammation, including preventing organ damage in lupus patients.
Dahleen Green writes Trump’s new campaign rally? His daily coronavirus news conference:
It is obvious that Donald Trump thinks he can score political points with the coronavirus. There is no other reason for him to show up at a news conference every day and spew one lie after another.
He stands there with an approving look on his face, seemingly stalking speakers at the podium to make sure they give him sole credit for everything the many smart, brave and committed health professionals and government workers are doing on the front lines to combat the virus.
Though most people on the stage have much more useful — and accurate — information to offer than Trump, they are forced to cede the platform to him while he babbles on for an hour. The nation is held captive while he verbally attacks reporters, recreates history and makes up stuff as if we are too dumb to know it.
Piet Levy reports Summerfest in Milwaukee postponed until September due to coronavirus pandemic:
Festivals are canceling and postponing all over the world because of the coronavirus pandemic.
For Summerfest in Milwaukee, the show will go on — in September.
Officials with parent company Milwaukee World Festival Inc. announced that the annual 11-day festival — originally set this year for June 24 to 28 and June 30 to July 5 — will now run nine days in 2020, taking place on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays across the first three weeks in September.
The new dates: Sept. 3 to 5, Sept. 10 to 12 and Sept. 17 to 19. Festival officials Monday did not reveal if any of the 32 acts already announced for 2020 will be available in September.
Coronavirus — ‘Stay at home and save lives’ says Boris Johnson as UK enters tighter lockdown: