Daily Bread for 3.28.11

Good morning.

Whitewater’s forecast calls for a sunny day, with a high temperature of thirty-eight degrees.

Whitewater’s Community Development Authority meets today at 4:30 p.m.  The agenda for the meeting is available online.

Campus and schools are back in session today.  Study responsibly.  It’s only a matter of time before one government commission or another develops a program along these lines: Appropriate Calculus or Respectful Social Studies.

The Wisconsin Historical Society notes that on this day in 1954,

McCarthy Recall Campaign Begins in Sauk City

On this date, “Joe Must Go,” a bipartisan grassroots campaign to recall Sen. Joe McCarthy from the Senate, began in earnest with an organizational meeting in Sauk City. The campaign had to collect 403,000 signatures in 60 days to force a recall election. With little money, a hastily thrown together organizational structure, and unenthusiastic or non-existent support from existing organizations (including farmers and organized labor), the group was still able to secure 335,000 signatures. Later in 1954 Sen. McCarthy was publicly censured by his Senate colleagues. [Source: The History of Wisconsin, v.6: Continuity and change, 1940-1965 (Madison, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1973-1998).]

I’ll post this week on a modern-day version of McCarthyism in Wisconsin.

If you’ve ver thought of building a large, fire-breathing robot, you’re not alone.  Here’s a bit of inspiration:

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