Daily Bread for 3.5.13

Good morning.

Tuesday will bring snow to Whitewater, of about three to five inches during the day, with less than an inch additional this evening.

The city now has a Bicycle & Pedestrian Steering Committee meeting scheduled for 4:30 PM, and a Common Council meeting for 6:30 PM (Update: Canceled).

What does three feet of snowfall look like? It looks like this, from Connecticut:

On this day in 1946, Winston Churchill delivers his “Iron Curtain’ speech at Westminster College in Missouri (Churchill, himself, titled the address ‘Sinews of Peace’). His observation – wholly right – about Soviet intentions comes somehere near the middle of the speech:

….From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe. Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest and Sofia, all these famous cities and the populations around them lie in what I must call the Soviet sphere, and all are subject in one form or another, not only to Soviet influence but to a very high and, in many cases, increasing measure of control from Moscow. Athens alone — Greece with its immortal glories — is free to decide its future at an election under British, American and French observation. The Russian-dominated Polish Government has been encouraged to make enormous and wrongful inroads upon Germany, and mass expulsions of millions of Germans on a scale grievous and undreamed-of are now taking place. The Communist parties, which were very small in all these Eastern States of Europe, have been raised to pre-eminence and power far beyond their numbers and are seeking everywhere to obtain totalitarian control. Police governments are prevailing in nearly every case, and so far, except in Czechoslovakia, there is no true democracy. Turkey and Persia are both profoundly alarmed and disturbed at the claims which are being made upon them and at the pressure being exerted by the Moscow Government….

Google-a-Day asks about a Swiss mountain: “What mountain in Switzerland includes three types of glacial erosion, and resembles an ancient Egyptian structure with four specific sides?”

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