Daily Bread for 3.7.14

Good morning.

We’ll have a slight chance (20%) of afternoon rain, with a high of thirty-nine.

On this day in 1811, a great naturalist (to be) is born:

1811 – Increase Allen Lapham Born
A pioneer naturalist and noted author, Increase Allen Lapham was instrumental in establishing the Milwaukee public high school program. He was one of the founders of Milwaukee Female Seminary in 1848 and served as president of the State Historical Society from 1862 to 1871. Lapham came to Milwaukee in 1836 to serve as chief engineer and secretary for the Rock River Canal Company.

He was one of the first authors and map makers in Wisconsin. Among approximately 80 titles in his bibliography, most notable was his Antiquities of Wisconsin, the first book length investigation of Wisconsin’s Indian mounds. Lapham also served as chief geologist for Wisconsin from 1873 to 1875. He founded many educational, civic, and scientific organizations in Wisconsin. You can see many of his writings, letters, maps, and drawings, at Turning Points in Wisconsin Historyby typing “Lapham” into the search box. [Source:Dictionary of Wisconsin Biography, SHSW 1960, pg. 221]

Puzzability‘s opera-themed series ends with Friday’s game:

This Week’s Game — March 3-7
Opera Boxes
What opera, doc? For each day this week, we’ll give a three-by-three letter grid in which we’ve hidden the title of an opera. Each has 10 or more letters and any number of words. To find the title, start at any letter and move from letter to letter by traveling to any adjacent letter—across, up and down, or diagonally. You may come back to a letter you’ve used previously, but may not stay in the same spot twice in a row. You will not always need all nine letters in the grid.
Il Trovatore
What to Submit:
Submit the opera’s title (as “Il Trovatore” in the example) for your answer.
Friday, March 7

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