Good morning.

Monday in Whitewater will be cloudy with afternoon rain and a high of 47. Sunrise is 6:35 and sunset 7:31 for 12h 45m 13s of daytime. The moon is a waning gibbous with 58.8 percent of its visible disk illuminated.
Whitewater’s Equal Opportunities Commission meets at 5 PM, and the Whitewater Common Council holds a special session at 6:30 PM.
On this day in 1976, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak found Apple Computer, Inc.
One could say that, in a dynamic society like America’s, every generation’s university landscape is changed from the generation before. In our time, one of those changes is online university education. Earlier this winter, Corrinne Hess reported Universities of Wisconsin launch website to market online degrees (‘Wisconsin Online aims to make it easier for students to register for online classes’):
On Feb. 1, the system launched Wisconsin Online at The website provides access and information about the UW’s 10 associate, 99 bachelor’s and 95 master’s degree programs.
“We have taken a more deliberate approach to this,” Rothman told WPR. “Our role is to use the trusted brands as the Universities of Wisconsin to offer a world class, online educational program.”
The UW has 18,000 “traditional” students who have now gone fully online, Rothman said.
But the new online portal is also focused on the more than 700,000 people in Wisconsin who have some college credit who now want to finish their degree online, Rothman said.
“We have a number of students who also want to get their MBA this way,” Rothman said. “So it is simply a way to further address and meet the students where their needs are. “
These programs expand the reach of college education while requiring communities like Whitewater’s to balance new online opportunities with in-person instruction. Successful campus communities will have to advance on both fronts.
What’s in the night sky | April 2024:
Residents of this fair city should be cognizant of this changing academic landscape and the changes it has already and will bring in the years ahead in our own back and front yards.