Daily Bread for 4.11.13

Good morning.

Thursday brings morning rain, with a high of forty-two.

Whitewater’s Community Development Authority meets this afternoon at 4:30 PM.

On this day in 1814, Napoleon is exiled to Elba, the first of two places of exile for the French autocrat:

Napoleon Bonaparte, emperor of France and one of the greatest military leaders in history, abdicates the throne, and, in the Treaty of Fontainebleau, is banished to the Mediterranean island of Elba….

In 1812, thinking that Russia was plotting an alliance with England, Napoleon launched an invasion against the Russians that eventually ended with his troops retreating from Moscow and much of Europe uniting against him. In 1814, Napoleon’s broken forces gave up and Napoleon offered to step down in favor of his son. When this offer was rejected, he abdicated and was sent to Elba.

In March 1815, he escaped his island exile and returned to Paris, where he regained supporters and reclaimed his emperor title, Napoleon I, in a period known as the Hundred Days. However, in June 1815, he was defeated at the bloody Battle of Waterloo. Napoleon’s defeat ultimately signaled the end of France’s domination of Europe. He abdicated for a second time and was exiled to the remote island of Saint Helena, in the southern Atlantic Ocean, where he lived out the rest of his days. He died at age 52 on May 5, 1821, possibly from stomach cancer, although some theories contend he was poisoned.

On 4.11.1965, Palm Sunday, devastating tornadoes:

1965 – Palm Sunday Tornadoes Ravage Midwest

On this date six tornadoes, part of the “Palm Sunday” outbreak, ripped across Southern Wisconsin, causing 3 deaths and 65 injuries. The outbreak of 51 tornadoes was responsible for 260 deaths and over $200 million in damages throughout the states of Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan and Ohio. [Source:National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office]

Google-a-Day asks a question about English history: “Which of Mary Stuart’s conspirators devised the plot to murder her cousin who, at the time, occupied the throne of England?”


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