Daily Bread for 4.15.13

Good morning.

Monday brings a rainy day with a high of sixty-one.

Whitewater’s Library Board meets at 6:30 PM.

On this day in 1783, Congress approves a peace treaty:

…the Continental Congress of the United States officially ratifies the preliminary peace treaty with Great Britain that was signed in November 1782. The congressional move brings the nascent nation one step closer to the conclusion of the Revolutionary War.

Five months later, on September 3, 1783, the Treaty of Paris was signed by representatives of the United States, Great Britain, Spain and France, officially bringing an end to the Revolutionary War. It also formalized Great Britain’s recognition of America’s independence.

On this day in 1876, speedy communication comes to northern Wisconsin:

1876 – First Northern Wisconsin Telegraph Line Completed
On this date the first telegraph line in northern Wisconsin was completed near Ashland. A few months later, this same telegraph line was used to convey General Custer’s defeat. [Source: “B” Book I, Beer Bottles, Brawls, Boards, Brothels, Bibles, Battles & Brownstone by Tony Woiak]

Google-a-Day asks about a big reptile: “What does the name given to the Aldabra giant tortoise, considered one of the longest-living animals on record at the time of his death, mean in English?”

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