Daily Bread for 4.16.12

Good morning.

It’s a rainy day in Whitewater, with a high temperature of fifty-five.

Whitewater’s Parks & Rec Board meets today at 5 PM.

The Wisconsin Historical Society recalls that on this day in 1916:

Wisconsin governor and comic author George W. Peck died. Peck was born in New York in 1840, but lived in Wisconsin from 1843 until his death in 1916. He was connected with newspapers in Whitewater, Jefferson, and founded the La Crosse Sun in 1874, which he later moved to Milwaukee. At one time he was the best-known Wisconsin writer in the nation, for his sketches titled “Peck’s Bad Boy.” He was also the author of Peck’s Compendium of Fun, and Peck’s Sunshine, as well as many other stories in some way connected with the mischief-loving, mirth-provoking “Bad Boy.” One of his books, Peck’s Bad Boy With the Cowboys, is online at Project Gutenberg. Peck served in the Union Army during the Civil War and was elected mayor of Milwaukee in 1890. He served as Governor of Wisconsin from 1891 to 1895 but was defeated for re-election. Peck is buried at Forest Home Cemetery in Milwaukee. [Source: Wisconsin Electronic Reader].

There were later films based on Gov. Peck’s characters.

Google’s daily puzzle asks about an animal: “What animal is nature’s only daily drinker, searching out naturally-occuring alcohol each night?”  I wouldn’t have thought that there were any such animals, but there’s at least one.

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