Daily Bread for 4.16.13

Good morning.

We’ve a slight chance of afternoon thunderstorms with a high of fifty-three, and northwest winds at 5 to 10 MPH. There will be 13h 26m of sunlight, 14h 25m of daylight, and a waxing crescent moon.

Whitewater’s Alcohol Licensing Committee meets at 6:10 PM, and Common Council at 6:30 PM.

On this day in 1789, Washington heads north for his inauguration:

…newly elected President George Washington leaves his Mount Vernon, Virginia, home and heads for New York, where he is sworn in as the first American president.

Before leaving, Washington addressed a group of citizens in nearby Alexandria, Virginia, to whom he expressed his inner conflict at assuming the role of president. He admitted that he would have preferred to stay in retirement and wondered aloud, “at my age what possible advantages [could I gain] from public life?” However, disturbed by growing antagonism between the fledgling nation s political factions, Washington felt duty-bound to help resolve what he feared was an impending crisis. He recounted the day in his diary: “I bade adieu to Mount Vernon, to private life, and to domestic felicity; and with a mind oppressed with more anxious and painful sensations than I have words to express.”

Washington was 57 years old when he took leave of his family, friends and staff at the Mount Vernon estate, to which he had retired after leading the Continental Army to victory in the Revolutionary War.


On this day in 1944, the USS Wisconsin is commissioned:

1944 – USS Wisconsin Commissioned
On this date the USS Wisconsin battleship was put into active duty for service during World War II. The ship, decommissioned in 1948, was recommissioned in 1951 for service in the Korean War. [Source: United States Navy]

Google-a-Day presents a sports question: “What CBS sportscaster was banned from covering the Masters golf tournament after calling a patron gallery at a famous men’s golf club ‘a mob?'”

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