Daily Bread for 4.16.14

Good morning.

We’ll have a pretty Wednesday in Whitewater: sunny, breezy, with a high of fifty-two.

What would happen if a pianist and a singer (let’s say Jimmy Fallon and Anne Hathaway) decided to perform rap songs (let’s say Gin and Juice, In Da Club, and B*tch Don’t Kill My Vibe) as though they were Broadway tunes?

This is what would happen –



On this day in 1944, America commissions the Wisconsin:


1944 – USS Wisconsin Commissioned
On this date the USS Wisconsin battleship was put into active duty for service during World War II. The ship, decommissioned in 1948, was recommissioned in 1951 for service in the Korean War. [Source: United States Navy]

Here’s Puzzability‘s Wednesday game:

This Week’s Game — April 14-18
Tax Deductions
They say there are two things you can’t avoid, but this week we’re avoiding one of them. For each day, we started with a word or phrase and removed one instance of each of the letters in IRS anywhere in the word or phrase, but in order, to get a new word. Both pieces are described in each day’s clue, with the longer one first.
Those who provide equipment; soft and bendable
Suppliers; supple
What to Submit:
Submit both pieces, with the longer one first (as “Suppliers; supple” in the example), for your answer.
Wednesday, April 16
Particles used in PET scans; actor Tom of Newhart
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