Daily Bread for 4.21.15

Good morning, Whitewater.

Tuesday will be breezy, with a high of forty-eight, and a one-in-five chance of afternoon showers. Sunrise is 6:02 and sunset 7:44, for 13h 41m 52s of daytime today. The moon is a waxing crescent with 9.7% of its visible disk illuminated.

Common Council meets tonight at 6:30 PM.

Google has a doodle to commemorate the eighty-first anniversary of a famous photograph, the Surgeon’s Photograph, supposedly of a creature in Loch Ness (but now widely understood to be a hoaxed picture). That old photograph may not have been of an aquatic creature, but Google thinks something even more astonishing might be implicated:


Here’s that original photo from 1934:

Via Wikipedia.

Via Wikipedia.

It’s John Muir’s birthday:

On this date John Muir was born in Dunbar, Scotland. He immigrated with his family to Wisconsin in 1849 and spent his youth working on his father’s farms in Marquette County, experiences that are recounted inThe Story of My Boyhood and Youth (1913). In 1868 he moved to Yosemite Valley, California, where hebecame a conservationist and leader in the forest preserve movement. His work led to the creation of the first national parks, the saving of California’s redwoods, and the founding of the Sierra Club. [Source:  Dictionary of Wisconsin Biography, SHSW 1960, pg. 261]

Puzzability‘s Breaking the Monopoly series continues with Tuesday’s game:

This Week’s Game — April 20-24
Breaking the Monopoly
Go to solve. Go directly to solve. For each day this week, we’ll give you a series of clues, each of which leads to a word. You must drop one letter out of each of these answer words and put them together (in order), adding spaces as needed, to get the name of a space on a classic Monopoly board.
Square footage / home run, in slang / bad space in Monopoly / children’s author Dahl
Reading Railroad (area / dinger / jail / Roald)
What to Submit:
Submit the space name and the smaller words (as “Reading Railroad (area / dinger / jail / Roald)” in the example) for your answer.
Tuesday, April 21
Leave untouched, as perfectly good food / uncooked / food-spearing utensils


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