Daily Bread for 4.23.12

Good morning.

It’s a sunny Monday in store for Whitewater, with a high temperature of fifty-eight.

Later today, at 6:30 PM, Whitewater’s Library Board will meet.

From the Wisconsin Historical Society, it’s anniversaries of bad guys, batteries, and batters (there’s my awkward attempt at alliteration):

1934 – FBI rousts Dillinger from Little Bohemia Lodge
On this day the FBI raided the Little Bohemia Lodge in Manitowish Waters, Vilas Co. They had been tipped off that gangster John Dillinger was hiding at Little Bohemia, but during their raid an innocent Civilian Conservation Corps worker was killed and Dillinger escaped.

1940 – Herman R. C. Anthony Patents the “Leak Proof” Battery
On this date Ray-o-Vac engineer Herman Anthony patented the “leak proof” battery. Patent No. 2,198,423 incorporated a better grade of manganese into the battery and encased the entire cell in a steel jacket. The invention resulted in a leakless battery, and increased battery life and sales for the company based in Madison. [Source: Today in Science]

1954 – Aaron Hits First Big League Home Run
On this date Hank Aaron, playing for the Milwaukee Braves, hit his first major league home run. Twenty years later he broke Babe Ruth’s career home run record of 714.

Google’s puzzle of the day asks about an artist-scientists’s achievement: “The artist who painted “Il Cenacolo” (aka “Ultima Cena”) invented a device to monitor changes in humidity. What was it?”

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