Daily Bread for 4.23.14

Good morning.

Wednesday in the Whippet City will be increasingly cloudy with a high of fifty-five.

Whitewater’s public meetings today show the gap between existing independent businesses and government-backed (and wasteful) efforts to manipulate the local economy to the advantage of insiders’ preferred projects.

Downtown Whitewater’s Board meets at 8 AM, and later today at 3:30 PM the Community Development Authority’s Seed Capital ‘Screening Committee’ meets, followed by a CDA board meeting at 5 PM.

On this day in 1934, a crook gets away:

1934 – FBI rousts Dillinger from Little Bohemia Lodge
On this day the FBI raided the Little Bohemia Lodge in Manitowish Waters, Vilas Co. They had been tipped off that gangster John Dillinger was hiding at Little Bohemia, but during their raid an innocent Civilian Conservation Corps worker was killed and Dillinger escaped.

Twenty years to the day later, something much better:

1954 – Aaron Hits First Big League Home Run
On this date Hank Aaron, playing for the Milwaukee Braves, hit his first major league home run. Twenty years later he broke Babe Ruth’s career home run record of 714. Aaron ended his career with 755 home runs, a record that stood until 2007. [Source: Sporting News]

Here’s Wednesday’s Puzzability game:

This Week’s Game — April 21-25
Mark Antonyms
We’ve searched high and low for this week’s opposites. For each day, we’ll give definitions of two words that, using different meanings, are antonyms of each other.
Strange / smooth
Odd / even
What to Submit:
Submit the antonym pair (as “Odd / even” in the example) for your answer.
Wednesday, April 23
Acknowledge applause / forbiddingly serious

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