Daily Bread for 4.7.14

Good morning.

Monday will have a high of fifty-six. Sunrise today is 6:28 AM and sunset 7:27 PM. The moon is in its first quarter.

Every so often, I’ll have chance to play through a video game. (Right now, I’m going through BioShock on the Mac, ported to OS X by Feral Interactive. Yes, it’s old, but it’s highly-regarded and holds up very well.)

Moderate knowledge of gaming aside, I had no idea that there were two video games on the market about goats. As it turns out, there are.

In Double your goat: Ars reviews the latest in goat video games, Ars Technica reviews Goat Simulator and Escape Goat 2.

Goat Simulator

Escape Goat 2

Both are available via Steam, but only Escape Goat 2 is available for Windows, Mac, or Linux systems. Here’s what a commenter to the reviews had to say about Goat Simulator:

I bought Goat Simulator and all my friends thought I was stupid. Maybe…but not for buying G.S. As soon as they saw me playing it, they wanted to try. I said, “nope, you said it was stupid.” Go buy your own. So they did.

That comment’s a solid recommendation, really. If you’re in the mood for simple fun, one of these goat video games might be the answer.

On 4.7.1776, America wins a victory on the seas:

On this day in 1776, Navy Captain John Barry, commander of the American warship Lexington, makes the first American naval capture of a British vessel when he takes command of the British warship HMS Edward off the coast of Virginia. The capture of the Edward and its cargo turned Captain Barry into a national hero and boosted the morale of the Continental forces.

Puzzability‘s series for the week is about dogs. Here’s Monday’s game from Dog Eared:

This Week’s Game — April 7-11
Dog Eared
We’re barking orders this week. For each day, we started with the name of a dog breed. Then, for the day’s clue, we broke it down into a series of words that, when said in order, sounds like the original breed. You’ll probably need to say the words out loud to get the answers.
Chair, mensch, ebb, hurt
German shepherd
What to Submit:
Submit the breed (as “German shepherd” in the example) for your answer.
Monday, April 7
Meany, chirp, who, dull

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