Daily Bread for 5.10.12

Good morning.

Today’s forecast predicts a sunny Thursday with a high of sixty-nine.

May 10th is a fine anniversary in Wisconsin history, as the Wisconsin Historical Society recalls:

1865 – Wisconsin Troops Capture Jefferson Davis

Just after dawn on May 10, 1865, Col. Henry Harnden of Madison and his squad of 30 volunteers from the 1st Wisconsin Cavalry captured Jefferson Davis, the President of the Confederacy. After Robert E. Lee surrendered on April 9, Davis fled south with his family and cabinet. Col. Harnden, commanding the 1st Wisconsin Cavalry at Macon, Ga., was ordered to scour the countryside for him. After four days they caught up with Davis and his entourage in the woods near Irwinville.

As they approached, Col. Harnden’s troops were attacked by soldiers in the brush. They returned fire, killing two adversaries before discovering they were U.S. soldiers who had converged on Davis from a different direction. Upon hearing the friendly fire, Davis attempted to escape. But Harnden “rode up, dismounted and saluted, and I asked if this was Mr. Davis. ‘Yes,’ he replied, ‘I am President Davis.’ At this the soldiers set up a shout that Jeff. Davis was captured.” [Source: Wisconsin Local History & Biography Articles]

A good day’s work.

Google’s daily puzzle has a bit of charm and wordplay to it: “What piazza were you standing in if you saw a Giraffe win a horse race last August 16th?”

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