Daily Bread for 5.20.14

Good morning, Whitewater.

We’ll have a forty-percent chance of afternoon thunderstorms on a day with a high of eighty.

Common Council meets tonight at 6:30 PM.

In Wyoming, a videographer recorded a time-lapse video of a supercell’s formation. It’s truly impressive, as both natural phenomenon and one person’s recording of it.

Consider the possible reactions to a violent storm or unexpected natural development.

On May 19, 1780, widespread forest fires near the Great Lakes caused so much smoke that they darkened New England’s skies. At the time, New Englanders did not know the reason for the daytime darkness. (It’s only now, after examining tree rings, that scientists believe the cause of the darkness can be claimed with confidence.)

Those in America then, fighting the mightiest power on Earth, might be forgiven for thinking darkness at noon was a worrisome sign, perhaps of the end of the world. Corey Adwar, at Business Insider, writes on what one state legislature considered in response to the darkness.

What legislators considered, and how one of them responded, is memorable:

The Connecticut Legislature, in session during the darkness, debated whether to adjourn because of the possibility that the world was ending. “I am against adjournment. The day of judgment is either approaching, or it is not,” said one legislator, Abraham Davenport, according to CNN’s history of the incident. “If it is not, there is no cause for adjournment; if it is, I choose to be found doing my duty.”

This, I think, from Abraham Davenport, is an example of a deep faith: to commit to the right, so best as one can see it, trusting thereafter in divine mercy.

There was a legislator worth supporting.

Here’s Puzzability‘s Tuesday game:

This Week’s Game — May 19-23
Paying Tribute
For each day of our parade this Memorial Day week, we started with a word, added the eight letters in MEMORIAL, and rearranged all the letters to get the name of a famous person. Both pieces are described in each day’s clue, with the shorter one first.
Computer failure; Miami Heat point guard
Crash; Mario Chalmers
What to Submit:
Submit both pieces, with the shorter one first (as “Crash; Mario Chalmers” in the example), for your answer.
Tuesday, May 20
Actor Cox of Deliverance and RoboCop; female half of the classic Variety headline “Egghead Weds Hourglass”

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