Good morning.
Thursday in Whitewater will be mostly sunny with a high of 66. Sunrise is 5:22 AM and sunset 8:21 PM for 14h 58m 22s of daytime. The moon is a waxing crescent with 29.8% of its visible disk illuminated.
On this day in 1738, a treaty between Pennsylvania and Maryland ends the Conojocular War with settlement of a boundary dispute and exchange of prisoners:
Cresap’s War (also known as the Conojocular War, from the Conejohela Valley where it was mainly located along the south bank) was a border conflict between Pennsylvania and Maryland, fought in the 1730s. Hostilities erupted in 1730 with a series of violent incidents prompted by disputes over property rights and law enforcement, and escalated through the first half of the decade, culminating in the deployment of military forces by Maryland in 1736 and by Pennsylvania in 1737. The armed phase of the conflict ended in May 1738 with the intervention of King George II, who compelled the negotiation of a cease-fire. A final settlement was not achieved until 1767 when the Mason–Dixon line was recognized as the permanent boundary between the two colonies.
Wisconsinites shouldn’t require legislation to see the need for naloxone in our schools. We have a statewide problem that calls for ready access to emergency medication. In the absence of private action, however, a bipartisan effort to provide lifesaving medication advances, as Corrinne Hess reports in Wisconsin’s public and private schools could have Narcan under new proposal (‘Bill would require schools maintain supply of opioid antagonist on site, in an accessible location’):
Under current law, Wisconsin school boards and the governing bodies of private schools are required to supply standard first aid kits for use during emergencies.
The bill adds that schools would be required to maintain a “usable supply” of an opioid antagonist, like Narcan, on site and in a place that is accessible at all times.
Some school districts have already done this, including the Denmark School District and School District of Beloit.
Sen. Jesse James, R-Altoona, who is a police officer in the Village of Cadott, co-sponsored the bill. He says the opioid epidemic knows no boundaries and is affecting youth across the state.
“Overdoses in Wisconsin are taking place not only at our universities, but at our high schools and middle schools as well,” James said. “This should not be about the image of our schools, but about life and death.”
See also from 12.15.22 @ FREE WHITEWATER Prudent UW System Campuses Are Installing Opioid Overdose Kits. On 3.25.23, UW-Whitewater announced UW-Whitewater partners with Wisconsin Voices for Recovery to install overdose kits.
If boosterism, toxic positivity, tax incremental financing, or public relations were what its proponents believe them to be, then Wisconsin would not be where we are now.
And yet, and yet, we are here now.