Daily Bread for 5.28.15

Good morning, Whitewater.

Thursday in town will be mostly sunny with a high of eighty-three. Sunrise is 5:20 and sunset 8:23, for 15h 02m 52s of daytime. The moon is a waxing gibbous with 74.9% of its visible disk illuminated.

Today, Thursday morning, Downtown Whitewater’s Board meets at 8 AM. I am often asked about Downtown Whitewater, and my thoughts on their present work.  Having watched closely, and heard much, I’ve no immediate answer to offer.  The market – that collection of voluntary transactions among countless people each day – will decide the shape and future of Whitewater’s downtown.  I’m not sure in which direction some of these forces will lead in our near-future.  It’s enough for now to wait and see.

The earliest authenticated portrait of George Washington shows him wearing his colonel's uniform of the Virginia Regiment from the French and Indian War. The portrait was painted about 12 years after Washington's service in that war, and several years before he would reenter military service in the American Revolution. Oil on canvas.  Via Wikipedia.

The earliest authenticated portrait of George Washington shows him wearing his colonel’s uniform of the Virginia Regiment from the French and Indian War. The portrait was painted about 12 years after Washington’s service in that war, and several years before he would reenter military service in the American Revolution. Oil on canvas. Via Wikipedia.

On this day in 1754, George Washington experiences his first combat, in the French and Indian War. He’s victorious, but the engagement is undisciplined, and has been controversial ever since. One is reminded that even a great man, later able to defeat the greatest empire on earth, and later still lead his own new republic ably for eight years, had hesitant and awkward moments:

George Washington, a young lieutenant colonel in the British Army and future president of the United States, leads an attack on French forces at Jumonville Glen on this day in 1754. The battle is later credited with being the opening salvo in the French and Indian War (1754 to 1763).

In the biography His Excellency: George Washington, historian Joseph Ellis recounts Washington’s first combat experience. Washington and 40 colonial troops had been encamped near the French garrison at Fort Duquesne when he received an urgent message to rescue Indian allies in the area who were threatened by French forces. In his official report of the encounter, Washington described how his troops, aided by warriors under the Indian leader Tanacharison, surrounded a detachment of 32 French soldiers near the fort on May 28 and, within 15 minutes, killed 10 of them, including the garrison’s commander, wounded one and took another 21 prisoner.

Controversy surrounded the attack both at the time and after the war. Historical accounts indicate that the French commander, Joseph Coulon De Jumonville had actually tried to surrender but was slain by Tanacharison. Tanacharison’s rash act incited the other warriors to kill and scalp nine other French soldiers before Washington could intervene. Ellis describes Washington as shocked and hapless and writes that he later tried to downplay the incident to his commanding officer. The French vilified Washington as the epitome of dishonor. The Jumonville Glen massacre remains a highly debated subject among scholars. In the aftermath of the encounter, Washington resigned his British army commission and returned to his family’s plantation. In 1775, he returned to military service to lead the Continental Army in the American Revolutionary War.

Here’s the Thursday game in Puzzability‘s Cheese Filling series:

This Week’s Game — May 25-29
Cheese Filling
We’ve got string cheese on the menu all week. For each day, we’ll give you three clues, each of which leads to a word. The answers to two of those clues, when placed together in the right order, have the name of a cheese spanning the gap between the answers. When the cheese’s name is removed, the remaining letters, in order, spell the answer to the day’s remaining clue. The clues are presented in random order.
Affleck’s Good Will Hunting costar; river of South America; astound
AMAZEDAMON (Damon, Amazon, amaze; the cheese is Edam)
What to Submit:
Submit just the full string of letters, with the cheese in the middle (as “AMAZEDAMON” in the example), for your answer.
Thursday, May 28
Bugler’s bedtime tune; fruit used to make brandy and Sacher torte; smartphone programs
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