Daily Bread for 5.3.11

Good morning.

Whitewater’s forecast offers up a mostly cloudy day, with a high temperature of forty-nine degrees.

There’s a Common Council meeting tonight, at 6:30 p.m. The meeting agenda is available online.

Lakeview school has a PTA meeting tonight at 6:00 p.m., and at the middle school there will be a 7 p.m. Jazz Band and Show Choir concert.

If you’ve wondered how hummingbirds drink, then wonder no more — Wired has the answer for you.  In a post entitled, High-Speed Video Shows How Hummingbirds Really Drink, readers learn that

To discover how hummingbirds drink, [University of Connecticut ornithologist Alejandro] Rico-Guevara and colleague Margaret Rubega built see-through flowers that allowed them to take high-speed, high-magnification video of hummingbird tongues, which flick into nectar up to 20 times per second.

The video (above) shows that, instead of simply drawing in liquid, a hummingbird tongue’s tubes open down their sides when hitting nectar. When the tongue pulls back, the tubes zip closed, carrying nectar back into the beak.

Hummingbirds need lots of nectar, and here’s one of them in action:

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