Daily Bread for 5.3.12

Good morning.

It’s a cloudy day with a high of seventy-nine, and likely thunderstorms, ahead for Whitewater.

The History Channel recalls that it’s Machiavelli‘s birthday (born in 1469) today.

Often misunderstood, always compelling.

In our history, from the records of the Wisconsin Historical Society, a birthday of a famous Wisconsin resident:

1898 – Golda Meir Born

On this date, Golda Meir (nee Mabovitch) was born in Kiev, Russia. Economic hardship forced her family to emigrate to the United States in 1906, where they settled in Milwaukee. She graduated from the Milwaukee Normal School (now University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) and joined the Poalei Zion, the Milwaukee Labor Zionist Party, in 1915. In 1921, she emigrated to Palestine with her husband, Morris Myerson, where they worked for the establishment of the State of Israel. Meir served as Israel’s Minister of Labor and National Insurance from 1949 through 1956 and as the Foreign Minister until January of 1966. When Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol died suddenly in 1969, Meir assumed the post, becoming the world’s third female Prime Minister. She died in Jerusalem on December 8, 1978. [Source: Picturing Golda Meier]

Google’s daily puzzle takes us to Italy long before Machiavelli: “What document changed the familial status of the Roman emperors associated with Quinctilis and Sextilis?”

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