Daily Bread for 5.9.14

Good morning.

Morning showers on Friday will give way to a partly sunny day with a high of sixty-nine.

On this day in 1914, Pres. Wilson proclaims a holiday:

President Woodrow Wilson issues a presidential proclamation that officially establishes the first national Mother’s Day holiday to celebrate America’s mothers.

The idea for a “Mother’s Day” is credited by some to Julia Ward Howe (1872) and by others to Anna Jarvis (1907), who both suggested a holiday dedicated to a day of peace. Many individual states celebrated Mother’s Day by 1911, but it was not until Wilson lobbied Congress in 1914 that Mother’s Day was officially set on the second Sunday of every May. In his first Mother’s Day proclamation, Wilson stated that the holiday offered a chance to “[publicly express] our love and reverence for the mothers of our country.”

On 5.9.1950, the first event at the Arena:

First Sporting Event Held at Milwaukee Arena
On this date, in the first sporting event at the new Milwaukee Arena, Rocky Graziano scored a fourth-round TKO over Vinnie Cidone in a middleweight fight that drew 12,813 fans. The new Milwaukee Arena actually opened on April 9, 1950, but with a civic celebration rather than a sports event. [Source: Milwaukee Journal].

Puzzability concludes its Cine-Ma series with Friday’s game:

This Week’s Game — May 5-9
It’s a Mom-and-Popcorn operation this Mother’s Day week. For each day, we started with the title of a movie and replaced all the letters with asterisks, except for letters that spell out the word MOTHER. (Those letters may appear elsewhere in the title as well.)
***M**  O*  T**  HE*R*
Crimes of the Heart
What to Submit:
Submit the movie title (as “Crimes of the Heart” in the example) for your answer.
Friday, May 9
M**  ***  ***O**  TH***ER****

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