Daily Bread for 6.12.12

Good morning.

Today’s forecast calls for a sunny day with a high temperature of seventy-four.

On this day in 1987, Pres. Reagan publicly challenged Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall.


The Wisconsin Historical Society records today in 1899 as the date of the worst tornado disaster in Wisconsin History:

New Richmond Tornado

On this date the worst tornado disaster in Wisconsin history occured. The storm virtually leveled New Richmond on the day the Gollmar Brothers Circus came to town. At the time, New Richmond was a prosperous town of 2500 people and one of the most scenic places in Wisconsin. On the day of the storm, the streets were filled with residents and tourists waiting for the afternoon circus parade. Shortly after the circus ended, the tornado passed through the very center of town, completely leveling buildings. Over 300 buildings were damaged or destroyed. Massive amounts of flying debris resulted in multiple deaths in at least 26 different families. In all, the storm claimed 117 lives and caused 150 injuries. [Source: National Weather Service]

Google’s daily puzzle asks, “The discovery of what rare metal supports a scientific theory about the event that occurred at Chicxulub crater?”

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