Daily Bread for 6.27.13

Good morning.

We’ll have about a one-third chance of thunderstorms today, with a high of eighty-five, and light west winds of 5 to 10 mph.

At 4:30 PM this afternoon, there will be a meeting of the Community Development Authority.

Like many others, I’ve always liked the science fiction film Independence Day. It’s simply a popcorn movie, not to be be taken seriously, but rather enjoyed despite occasional silliness. Yesterday, I came across a good-natured parody of the film from Honest Trailers by Screen Junkies. Clever, I think —

On this day in 1950, Pres. Truman responds to Stalinist aggression:

On June 27, 1950, President Harry S. Truman announces that he is ordering U.S. air and naval forces to South Korea to aid the democratic nation in repulsing an invasion by communist North Korea. The United States was undertaking the major military operation, he explained, to enforce a United Nations resolution calling for an end to hostilities, and to stem the spread of communism in Asia. In addition to ordering U.S. forces to Korea, Truman also deployed the U.S. 7th Fleet to Formosa (Taiwan) to guard against invasion by communist China and ordered an acceleration of military aid to French forces fighting communist guerrillas in Vietnam.

Stalin’s support of invasion and a years-long war lead to the deaths of over one-million people on all sides.

Puzzability continues its series about cars, running from 6.24 through 6.28:

Assembly Line
This week—summer road trip! For each day, we’ll give you a series of clues, each of which leads to a word. You must drop one letter out of each of these answer words and put them together (in order), adding spaces as needed, to get the make and model of an old car.

Body’s energy important in acupuncture / penultimate word in many fairy tales / Hogwarts mail carrier / scraped into, as a pattern in glass / compete / large often-canvas bag

Chevrolet Chevette (chi / ever / owl / etched / vie / tote)

Here’s the puzzle for Thursday:

Negative reply / secluded Hindu retreats / machine that makes bundles of hay.

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Karl Marx
11 years ago

Had it not been for the plural in one of the clues, this one would have thrown me. At first, I thought it might be a Nashamaler. Or perhaps a Nasra M Bale Then I thought for sure I remembered my Dad telling me he had an Osh Ambaer, back in the day. But oh, the puzzler’s keen eyes were discerning, and not taking the bait , but saw indeed that sneaky “s” attempting to deceive the thick and unsuspecting. It could be nothing but the Nash Rambler! Yes, the spirit of competition burned with an agonizing fervor, for once again, Karl Marx (The Humble) claims the prize for having the correct answer.