Daily Bread for 6.3.14

Good morning, Whitewater.

Tuesday in town will be sunny, with a high of seventy-six and south winds of ten to fifteen miles per hour.

Downtown Whitewater’s Board meets this morning at 8 AM, and Common Council this evening at 6:30 PM.


On this day in 1989, China committed herself to the massacre of peaceful protesters in Tiananmen Square, killing thousands. (The photo above is from June 5th, after many had already been killed and martial law in Beijing instituted.)

Puzzability‘s Surround Sound series continues with Tuesday’s game:

This Week’s Game — June 2-6
Surround Sound
Hope you can tune in this week. For each day, we’ll give you three clues, each of which leads to a word. The answers to two of those clues, when placed together in the right order, have the name of a musical instrument spanning the gap between the answers. When the instrument’s name is removed, the remaining letters, in order, spell the answer to the day’s remaining clue. The clues are presented in random order.
Small women’s clothing size; play simply, as a guitar; location
STRUMPETITE (from petite, strum, site; the instrument is a trumpet)
What to Submit:
Submit just the full string of letters, with the instrument in the middle (as “STRUMPETITE” in the example), for your answer.
Tuesday, June 3
Rooting on loudly; fish often served smoked or pickled; cheddar-flavored cracker brand

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