Daily Bread for 6.6.12

Good morning.

It’s another beautiful day for Whitewater, with sunny skies and a high of seventy-five.

Whitewater’s Community Development Authority meets today at 4:30 PM.

On this day in 1944, Allied forces landed at Normandy to begin the liberation of Europe.

The Wisconsin Historical Society recalls this day in 1822 as the date on which an odd series of experiments began:

1822 – Shooting Leads to Medical Experiments

On this date Alexis St. Martin was accidently shot in the stomach at Mackinac Island. St. Martin was treated by Dr. William Beaumont, who saved his life but left an open wound in the young man’s side. Over many subsequent years, Dr. Beaumont conducted experiments through the opening in St. Martin’s stomach. Beaumont and the St. Martin family moved to Prairie du Chien for a period, where the doctor conducted 238 scientific experiments on St. Martin’s exposed stomach with only a spool of thread, a scissors, various foods, and a thermometer. Beaumont’s important discoveries about digestion were published in 1833 in “Experiments and Observations on the Gastric Juice and the Physiology of Digestion.” His experiments proved to be crucial to a scientific understanding of how human digestion works. More information is available elsewhere at [Source: Badger Saints and Sinners by Fred L. Holmes, p. 136-150]

Google’s daily puzzle asks about a simple pleasure: “How much would it have cost a family of four to enjoy patent #1,909,537 on the day it was introduced to the public?”

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