Daily Bread for 7-19-10

Good morning,

Whitewater’s forecast for today calls for a chance of rain, with a high of eighty-four degrees.

The City of Whitewater lists a meeting at 5 o’clock this afternoon of the Indian Mounds Task Force. The meeting is significant for two reasons. First, because Whitewater has a “prehistoric, Native American ceremonial and burial site that dates between 200 and 1000 A.D., and in its relatively small space of 1.5 acres (6,100 m2) has one of the most diverse and unique collections of animal and geometric mounds in the United States.”

Second, because even though we’re a small town (pop. 14,296), we have a task force for just about every situation that the rest of America assumes places like Whitewater can solve without a task force.

Our public school district will hold a regular school board meeting tonight, with open session beginning at 7 p.m.

In Wisconsin history on this date, the Wisconsin Historical Society recalls that on this date in 1832,

On this date General James Henry and Colonel Henry Dodge

found the trail of the British Band and began pursuit of Black Hawk and the Sauk Indians. Before leaving camp, the troops were told to leave behind any items that would slow down the chase. The troops camped that evening at Rock River, 20 miles east of present day Madison. Some sources place this event on July 18, 1832. [Source: Along the Black Hawk Trail by William F. Stark, p. 119]

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