Daily Bread for 7.20.14

Good morning, Whitewater.

Sunday will be mostly sunny with a high near eighty-one, and winds of five to ten mph from the south.


On this day in 1969, man fist walked on the moon. The New York Times reported the extraordinary feat the next day:

Houston, Monday, July 21–Men have landed and walked on the moon.

Two Americans, astronauts of Apollo 11, steered their fragile four-legged lunar module safely and smoothly to the historic landing yesterday at 4:17:40 P.M., Eastern daylight time.

Neil A. Armstrong, the 38-year-old civilian commander, radioed to earth and the mission control room here:

“Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed.”

The first men to reach the moon–Mr. Armstrong and his co-pilot, Col. Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr. of the Air Force–brought their ship to rest on a level, rock-strewn plain near the southwestern shore of the arid Sea of Tranquility.

About six and a half hours later, Mr. Armstrong opened the landing craft’s hatch, stepped slowly down the ladder and declared as he planted the first human footprint on the lunar crust:

“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”

His first step on the moon came at 10:56:20 P.M., as a television camera outside the craft transmitted his every move to an awed and excited audience of hundreds of millions of people on earth.

To commemorate the anniversary, the Atlantic has published A Reading List of Stories About the Moon: For the 45th anniversary of the lunar landing, we dipped into the archives.

In Wisconsin on July 20, 1976, Hank Aaron hit his final home run:

1976 – Hank Aaron Hits Record Home Run

On this date Hank Aaron hit his 755th and last home run at Milwaukee County Stadium against the California Angels. [Source: Milwaukee Brewers]

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