Daily Bread for 7.25.13

Good morning.

Thursday in Whitewater will be increasingly cloudy with a high of seventy-eight. We’ll have an even chance of thunderstorms tonight.

Whitewater’s Tech Park Board meets this morning at 8 AM, and at 7 PM there will be a Police and Fire Commission meeting with members of Common Council in attendance.

CNN offers a a dog meets (same) dog story:

On this day in 1897, Jack London begins a fateful trip:

Jack London leaves for the Klondike to join the gold rush, where he will write his first successful stories….

From an early age, London struggled to make a living, working in a cannery and as a sailor, oyster pirate, and fish patroller. During the national economic crisis of 1893, he joined a march of unemployed workers. He was jailed for vagrancy for a month, during which time he decided to go to college. The 17-year-old London completed a high school equivalency course and enrolled at the University of California at Berkeley, where he read voraciously for a year. However, he dropped out to join the 1897 gold rush.

While in the Klondike, London began submitting stories to magazines. In 1900, his first collection of stories, The Son of the Wolf, was published. Three years later, his story The Call of the Wild made him famous around the country. London continued to write stories of adventure amid the harsh natural elements. During his 17-year career, he wrote 50 fiction and nonfiction books. He settled in northern California about 1911, having already written most of his best work. London, a heavy drinker, died in 1916.

On this day in 1999, a new member of the Hall of Fame:

1999 – First Brewer Inducted into Hall of Fame
On this date Robin Yount became the first player inducted to the Baseball Hall of Fame in a Brewer’s jersey. Yount entered the major leagues at the age of eighteen and spent his entire career with the Milwaukee Brewers as number 19 at short stop and center field. His awards are numerous, including being selected as an all-star three times as well as American league MVP twice. [Source: Milwaukee Brewers]

Puzzability’s current series is called Sun Screens:

Sun Screens
If you can’t stand the heat, we’ve got just the ticket. For each day this week, we’ll give a three-by-three letter grid in which we’ve hidden the title of a movie that’s set during the summer. Each has 10 or more letters and any number of words. To find the title, start at any letter and move from letter to letter by traveling to any adjacent letter—across, up and down, or diagonally. You may come back to a letter you’ve used previously, but may not stay in the same spot twice in a row. You will not always need all nine letters in the grid.


Summer of Sam

Here’s Thursday’s puzzle:


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