Daily Bread for 7.26.11

Good morning.

I’ve no idea what your day will be like, but if you’re in Whitewater today, you’ll be experiencing that day under mostly sunny skies, with a high temperature of eighty-five degrees.

I’ve written before about how dangerous chimpanzees are (Chimpanzees: Cuddly Primates or Vicious Killers? Vicious Killers!), but it’s worse than I thought — they’re not just vicious, they’re selfish even when non-violent.  Over at ScienceNews, there’s more solid science putting chimps in their proper place: Kids share, chimps stash.  Here’s the awful truth:

Young kids have no problem saying mine and gimme. Yet even greedy rug rats go out of their way to share cool stuff equally if they’ve worked together to get it, a new study finds.

Adult chimpanzees, on the other hand, show no affinity for meting out fair shares after cooperative projects, say psychologist Katharina Hamann of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, and her colleagues.

Chimpanzees: when they’re not busy killing people, they’re hoarding from each other.  They’re not suitable pets, no matter what some people want to believe, and when people treat them as such (dressed in ties, riding tricycles, etc.), it’s a foolish and risky misunderstanding.

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