Daily Bread for 7.3.14

Good morning, Whitewater.

Our Independence Holiday events begin today, on a day of sunny skies, a high of seventy-four, and winds of ten to fifteen mph.

Lightning stikes…Manhattan:

The Battle of Gettysburg ended on this day in 1863. Thereafter, the New York Times published reports between leading Union commanders, including this message from Maj. Gen. George Meade, the Union’s commanding general at Gettysburg:

July 4 — Noon

Maj.-Gen. Halleck:

The position of affairs is not materially changed since my last dispatch of 7 A.M.

We now hold Gettysburgh.

The enemy has abandoned large numbers of his killed and wounded on the field.

I shall probably be able to give you a return of my captures and losses before night, and a return of the enemy’s killed and wounded in our hands.

George G. Meade, Major-General

Here’s Puzzability‘s Thursday game in its C to Shining C series:

This Week’s Game — June 30-July 4
From C to Shining C
Some words are declaring their independence this July Fourth week. For each day, we started with a word or phrase that contains two C’s and in which the letters between the C’s spell a word or phrase. The answer phrase, described by each day’s clue, is the longer two-C piece followed by the shorter word or phrase.
Romantic flower that lasts for a tiny fraction of time
Microsecond rose
What to Submit:
Submit the phrase, with the longer piece first (as “Microsecond rose” in the example), for your answer.
Thursday, July 3
Light-producing South American mountain range

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