Daily Bread for 8.10.11

Good morning.

It’s a sunny and mild day ahead for the Whippet City, with high temperatures in the mid-seventies.

So, how powerful was the March 11th Japanese Tsunami? So powerful that it broke off icebergs in Antarctica:

New space-based images show the same tsunami that devastated Japan also caused a series of giant icebergs to break off halfway around the world in Antarctica.

On March 11, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake struck off the east coast of Japan. Combined with the tsunami it unleashed, the event led to the deaths of at least 15,000 people and inflicted damage costing upwards of $235 billion.

Yet the destructive wave didn’t just crush Japanese shores. The tsunami rippled through the Pacific Ocean, bent around New Zealand and hit Antarctica after a little more than 18 hours, according to an upcoming study in the Journal of Glaciology.

“This [is] the first observational evidence linking a tsunami to ice-shelf calving,” the authors wrote in the study, released by NASA today.

Impressive, both the force of nature and research about it.

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