Daily Bread for 8.18.15

Good morning, Whitewater.

Tuesday will bring scattered thunderstorms to Whitewater, with a high of eighty-one. Sunrise is 6:05 and sunset is 7:51, for 13h 46m 51s of daytime. The moon is waxing crescent with 12.9% of its visible disk illuminated.

Whitewater’s Public Market is open today from 3 to 7 PM at the Cravath lakefront. Readers can find information about the market, including scheduled vendors & activities, at the Whitewater City Market Facebook page.

Common Council meets tonight at 6:30 PM.

Crows having remarkable problem-solving skills, on display in the BBC program below —

On this day in 1795, Pres. Washington signs a treaty with Britain:

President George Washington signs the Jay (or “Jay’s”) Treaty with Great Britain.

This treaty, known officially as the “Treaty of Amity Commerce and Navigation, between His Britannic Majesty; and The United States of America” attempted to defuse the tensions between England and the United States that had risen to renewed heights since the end of the Revolutionary War. The U.S. government objected to English military posts along America’s northern and western borders and Britain’s violation of American neutrality in 1794 when the Royal Navy seized American ships in the West Indies during England’s war with France. The treaty, written and negotiated by Supreme Court Chief Justice (and Washington appointee) John Jay, was signed by Britain’s King George III on November 19, 1794 in London. However, after Jay returned home with news of the treaty’s signing, Washington, now in his second term, encountered fierce Congressional opposition to the treaty; by 1795, its ratification was uncertain….

Ultimately, the treaty was approved by Congress on August 14, 1795, with exactly the two-thirds majority it needed to pass; Washington signed the treaty four days later. Washington and Jay may have won the legislative battle and averted war temporarily, but the conflict at home highlighted a deepening division between those of different political ideologies in Washington, D.C. Jefferson and Madison mistrusted Washington’s attachment to maintaining friendly relations with England over revolutionary France, who would have welcomed the U.S. as a partner in an expanded war against England.

Here’s the Tuesday game from Puzzability:

This Week’s Game — August 17-21
Kings and Queens
We’re melding royal pairs this week. For each day, we started with the first name of a famous person whose last name is King, and also a word that can be followed by “queen” to get a familiar phrase or title. Each day’s clue shows the King name and the queen word melded together in a string of letters, with each in order but intermingled with the other.
What to Submit:
Submit the King name and the queen word, in that order (as “Alan/virgin” in the example), for your answer.
Tuesday, August 18
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