Daily Bread for 8.20.13

Good morning.

Tuesday in Whitewater will be mostly sunny, with a high of eighty-five.

Common Council meets tonight at 6:30 PM.

On this day in 1911, a communications first:

…a dispatcher in the New York Times office sends the first telegram around the world via commercial service….

The Times decided to send its 1911 telegram in order to determine how fast a commercial message could be sent around the world by telegraph cable. The message, reading simply “This message sent around the world,” left the dispatch room on the 17th floor of the Times building in New York at 7 p.m. on August 20. After it traveled more than 28,000 miles, being relayed by 16 different operators, through San Francisco, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Saigon, Singapore, Bombay, Malta, Lisbon and the Azores–among other locations–the reply was received by the same operator 16.5 minutes later. It was the fastest time achieved by a commercial cablegram since the opening of the Pacific cable in 1900 by the Commercial Cable Company.

Puzzability‘s current series this week, from August 19-23, is entitled, Silent Partners:

“Can we get a little piece and quiet around here? For each day this week, we started with a word and added the letters SH to the beginning to get a new word. The two-word answer phrase, described by each day’s clue, is the shorter word followed by the SH word.”

Hands out portions of green onions

Allots shallots

What to Submit:
Submit the phrase, with the SH word second (as “Allots shallots” in the example), for your answer.

Tuesday, August 20:

Bloodsucking bug’s comedy routine

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