Daily Bread for 8.26.13

Good morning.

Our week begins with sunny and hot skies, a high of ninety, and southwest winds around 10 mph.

On this day in 1920, the 19th Amendment went into effect, with no public, signing ceremony beforehand:

Washington, Aug. 26 — The half-century struggle for woman suffrage in the United States reached its climax at 8 o’clock this morning, when Bainbridge Colby, as Secretary of State, issued his proclamation announcing that the Nineteenth Amendment had become a part of the Constitution of the United States.

The signing of the proclamation took place at that hour at Secretary Colby’s residence, 1507 K Street Northwest, without ceremony of any kind, and the issuance of the proclamation was unaccompanied by the taking of movies or other pictures, despite the fact that the National Woman’s Party, or militant branch of the general suffrage movement, had been anxious to be represented by a delegation of women and to have the historic event filmed for public display and permanent record.

It’s more than funny that the New York Times account refers to the National Woman’s Party as a militant movement. Our definition of that term has changed.

We think of sharks as swimmers, but some of them look more like walkers:

For the week of August 26 to 30, Puzzability offers a back-to-school series entitled, Welcome, students:

Welcome, Students
For this week’s class act, we started each day with a word or phrase, added the seven letters in the word STUDENT, and rearranged all the letters to get a new phrase. Both pieces are described in each day’s clue, with the shorter one first.
Skating venues; Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man love interest
Rinks; Kirsten Dunst
What to Submit:
Submit both pieces, with the shorter one first (as “Rinks; Kirsten Dunst” in the example), for your answer.

Here’s today’s puzzle:

Monday, August 26
Pickled Korean specialty dish; wet blanket

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