Daily Bread for 8.4.12

Good morning.

Whitewater’s Saturday will be hot and sunny, with a high of ninety-three (but with a chance of afternoon thundershowers, too).

On this day in 1914, Britain declared war on Germany.

The Wisconsin Historical Society records that on this day in 1862,

War Department Order Prompts Riot
On this date the War Department issued General Order No.99, requesting by draft 300,000 troops to reinforce the Union armies in the Civil War. This action reinforced public sentiment against the draft and prompted the citizens in Port Washington, Ozaukee County to riot in protest.

If you’ve never seen pygmy goats at play, a single mouse-click can change all that:

Google’s daily puzzle asks about history, language, and stamps: “How would you say “postage stamp” in the native language of the woman who first appeared on one in the U.S.?”

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