Daily Bread for 9.12.12

Good morning.

Whitewater’s mid-week will be sunny and warm, with a high of eighty-eight.

Whitewater’s Tech Park Board is scheduled to meet this morning at 8 AM. (The test of a meeting is to match an agenda against the final product. We’ll see.)

On this day in 1940, the discovery of beautiful but ancient cave paintings in France:

First studied by the French archaeologist Henri-Édouard-Prosper Breuil, the Lascaux grotto consists of a main cavern 66 feet wide and 16 feet high. The walls of the cavern are decorated with some 600 painted and drawn animals and symbols and nearly 1,500 engravings. The pictures depict in excellent detail numerous types of animals, including horses, red deer, stags, bovines, felines, and what appear to be mythical creatures.

In Wisconsin history, on this day in 1892,

UW-Madison Schools Open

On this date the School of Economics, Political Science and History at UW-Madison opened under the leadership of Professor Richard T. Ely. [Source:University of Wisconsin-Madison]

Google’s daily puzzle asks about mythology: “I’m a god that’s known by the same name in both Greek and Roman mythology. What musical instrument did I once receive as a gift?”

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