Good morning. Friday in Whitewater will be partly sunny with a high of seventy-eight. Sunrise is 6:40 AM and sunset 6:55 PM, for 12h 14m 36s of daytime. The moon is a waning gibbous with 66.7% of its visible disk illuminated.
Today is the one thousand forty-sixth day.
On this day in 1863, the Battle of Chickamauga, Georgia, ends:
For three days, 58,000 Union troops had faced off against 66,000 Confederates in the war’s second-bloodiest battle. The battle left Union troops pinned inside Chattanooga, Tennessee, and temporarily halted their advance into the heart of the Confederacy. Nine Wisconsin regiments participated.
Recommended for reading in full:
Natasha Korecki reports Why it will be hard for Trump to win Wisconsin again:
Few expect the three key counties that surround the state’s largest city to vote Democratic next year. But they say the level of enthusiasm for Trump in Wisconsin’s so-called WOW counties — Waukesha, Ozaukee and Washington — matters a great deal in a state where three of the past five presidential elections were decided by less than 1 percent. In the state’s political equation, they serve as a conservative counterweight to the big Democratic margins traditionally delivered by Milwaukee and Madison. Unless that suburban GOP engine delivers its own blowout win for Trump next year, it will be difficult for him to capture the state a second time. “For the president to win Wisconsin again, he’s not going to have the free ride he had last time. He’s not going to have Hillary Clinton sitting on her hands,” said Brandon Scholz, former executive director of the Wisconsin Republican Party. “He’s going to have a completely engaged opposition party on the ground.” Clinton famously never made it to Wisconsin, where her failure to campaign is widely believed to have cost her a state that had not voted Republican for president since 1984 — less than 23,000 votes ultimately decided the contest. Democrats are determined not to make that tactical mistake again. The national party pointedly placed its nominating convention next summer in Milwaukee — where a 19 percent drop in African American turnout doomed Clinton’s chances in 2016.
(Indeed, Trump will not win Wisconsin again, and in this small town from which I write, he will lose by an even greater margin than he did in 2016.)
Ellen Nakashima, Shane Harris, Greg Miller, and Carol D. Leonnig report Whistleblower complaint about President Trump involves Ukraine, according to two people familiar with the matter:
Two and a half weeks before the complaint was filed, Trump spoke with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, a comedian and political newcomer who was elected in a landslide in May.
That call is already under investigation by House Democrats who are examining whether Trump and his attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani sought to manipulate the Ukrainian government into helping Trump’s reelection campaign. Lawmakers have demanded a full transcript and a list of participants on the call.
Charlie Goldberg explains Why Blaming Video Games for Violence is Wrong: