Daily Bread for 9.25.13

Good morning.

We’ll have areas of fog in the morning, but thereafter sunny skies and a high of seventy.

On this day in 1957, Pres. Eisenhower orders federal soldiers to prevent obstruction of justice and assure lawful integration of Central High in Little Rock, Arkansas. On September 25, 1897, William Faulkner is born.

On this day in 1961, Wisconsin passes a law on seatbelts:

1961 – Law Requires Seatbelts in Wisconsin Cars
On this date Wisconsin Governor Gaylord Nelson signed into law a bill that required all 1962 cars sold in Wisconsin to be equipped with seat belts. [Source: Janesville Gazette]

Scientific American‘s trivia question asks about unfair labor. (Clicking on the question leads to its answer.)

How many people are forced to labor without wages worldwide?

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