Daily Bread for 9.25.15

Good morning, Whitewater.

Friday in town will be partly cloudy with a high of seventy-seven. Sunrise is 6:46 and sunset 6:46, for 12h 00m 17s of daytime. The moon is a waxing gibbous with 89.7% of its visible disk illuminated.

On this day in 1957, soldiers from the members of the U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne Division escort nine black school children who had earlier been forced to withdraw from Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas because of angry white mobs:

Washington, Sept. 24–President Eisenhower sent Federal troops to Little Rock, Ark., today to open the way for the admission of nine Negro pupils to Central High School.

Earlier, the President federalized the Arkansas National Guard and authorized calling the Guard and regular Federal forces to remove obstructions to justice in Little Rock school integration.

His history-making action was based on a formal finding that his “cease and desist” proclamation, issued last night, had not been obeyed. Mobs of pro-segregationists still gathered in the vicinity of Central High School this morning.

Tonight, from the White House, President Eisenhower told the nation in a speech for radio and television that he had acted to prevent “mob rule” and “anarchy.”

On this day in 1961, Wisconsin first requires seatbelts:

1961 – Law Requires Seatbelts in Wisconsin Cars
On this date Wisconsin Governor Gaylord Nelson signed into law a bill that required all 1962 cars sold in Wisconsin to be equipped with seat belts. [Source: Janesville Gazette]

A Google a Day asks a sports question:

What NFL quarterback threw for over 3000 yards and got 21 touchdowns in the 2010 season, but still did not make it into the “Hall of Fame”?

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