Daily Bread for 9.3.23: Gravel

 Good morning.

Sunday in Whitewater will be sunny with a high of 93. Sunrise is 6:22 AM and sunset 7:25 PM for 13h 03m 02s of daytime. The moon is a waning gibbous with 83.2% of its visible disk illuminated.

On this day in 1783, the representatives of the United States and Great Britain sign the Treaty of Paris: “The treaty demanded land, including Wisconsin, be ceded from Britain to the United States. Two years after the conclusion of the Revolutionary War, American and British delegations met in Paris to formalize Britain’s recognition of the United States of America. The treaty articles were drawn up on November 30, 1782 and formally agreed upon on September 3, 1783.”

Treaty of Paris, a 1783 portrait by Benjamin West depicting the American delegation at the Treaty of Paris, including (left to right): John Jay, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Laurens, and William Temple Franklin. The British delegation refused to pose, and the portrait was never completed.

The Draft offers a video in praise of gravel riding

DEIADAR is a compound word in Basque language made up from the words DEI-ADAR. “DEI” means “call”, and “ADAR” stands for “horn”. Therefore, DEIADAR is “horn call”.

Versatility, freedom and nature. Probably these three words are the best to define the concept of gravel. Originated in the United States, this cycling modality has reached vigorously our country and all Europe, becoming one of the most important current trends in the world of cycling.

Gravel must be considered the cycling adaptation to modern times, in the form of an interesting mix between road cycling and mountain biking. It allows us to squeeze the charm of both disciplines and to enjoy cycling without any limit or restriction derived from the kind of bicycle we use.

In gravel one no longer has to decide between track and road, asphalt or dirt paths. This discipline allows you to enjoy a more versatile and dynamic way of cycling.

Our starting points are the hills and tracks in Bizkaia, right in the middle of an impressive landscape which offers us a unique scenario to practice this sport. Furthermore, the hardness of the race, due to the large slope riders have to cover, turns it into a challenge and an attraction for the contestants. The event also relies on the concept of semi-self-sufficiency.

DEIADAR GRAVEL is a true celebration around the bicycle and the mountain. During the previous week, the event includes a large amount of related activities, such as conferences, videos of athletes as well as a popular meal.

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