Daily Bread for 9.6.12

Good morning.

It’s a sunny day with a high of eighty-four in store for Whitewater.

The city’s Landmarks Commission meets at 6 PM today, with a work session of that commission to follow at 6:30 PM.

On this day in 1915, in England, the first tank was built:

On this day in 1988, a Wisconsin entertainer, whose work is known to anyone who’s visited the Dells, passed away:

On this date Wisconsin Dells showman, Tommy Bartlett died. Bartlett began his show business career at the age of 13 when he went to work at WISN, a radio station out of Milwaukee. By the age of 17 Bartlett was hosting a show at Chicago’s WBBM. During World War II, Bartlett was part of the Army Air Corps. After completing his service he worked for a short time as a pilot for Northwest Airlines. In 1952, The Tommy Bartlett Water Ski & Jumping Boat Thrill Show was born in Chicago. After a single performance in Wisconsin Dells, he was asked to locate the show permanently at the growing tourist destination. The performance became the Tommy Barlett Show which is still popular with tourists today. [Source: Tommy Bartlett Show]

Google’s daily puzzle asks a question of metallurgy: “What do you get if you add tin to the element that’s named after the island of Cyprus?”

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