Daily Bread for 9.7.12

Good morning.

The forecast calls for a rainy day, a high of seventy-two, and light winds throughout the day.

Over at, an animation shows how a recent Costa Rican earthquake affected the U.S. (blue is downward motion of the ground, red is upward motion):

We’ve come through a year of recalls, but the Wisconsin Historical society recalls the first judicial recall we had, on Sept. 7,  1977:

On this date Wisconsin’s first judicial-recall election was held. Dane County citizens voted Judge Archie Simonson out of office. Simonson called rape a normal male reaction to provocative female attire and modern society’s permissive attitude toward sex. He made this statement while explaining why he sentenced a 15-year-old to only one year of probation for raping a 16-year-old girl. After the recall election, Simonson was replaced by Moria Krueger, the first woman judge elected in Dane County history. [Source: Initiative & Referendum Institute]

From Google’s daily puzzle, some geology: “The geologic period known for the Earth’s highest atmospheric oxygen levels is divided into epochs named after which two U.S. states?”

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