Daily Bread for Whitewater, Wisconsin: 10-27-10

Good morning,

Today’s forecast for Whitewater calls for a windy day with a high temperature of fifty-six degrees.

There will be a Halloween Party at Lakeview School today, from 6 to 8 p.m. At Lincoln School, proud home of the Leopards, it’s VIP day. IT’s Spirit Day at the Middle School.

The Wisconsin Historical Society recalls today as a day of service and sacrifice on behalf of the Union:

1864 – Waukesha Soldier Sinks Confederate Ship

On this date William Cushing led an expedition to sink the Confederate ram, the Albemarle, which had imposed a blockade near Plymouth, North Carolina and had been sinking Union ships. Cushing’s plan was extremely dangerous and only he and one other soldier escaped drowning or capture. Cushing pulled very close to the Confederate ironclad and exploded a torpedo under it while under heavy fire. Cushing’s crew abandoned ship as it began to sink. The Albemarle also sunk. Cushing received a “letter of thanks” from Congress and was promoted to Lieutenant Commander. He died in 1874 due to ill health and is buried in the Naval Cemetery at Annapolis, Maryland. [Source: Badger Saints and Sinners by Fred L. Holmes, p.274-285]

More on Cushing — born in Delafield, Wisconsin — is available online from Wikipedia:

Cushing was born in Delafield, Wisconsin, and was raised in Fredonia, New York. He was expelled from the United States Naval Academy for pranks and poor scholarship. At the outbreak of the American Civil War, however, he pled his case to United States Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles himself, was reinstated and went on to acquire a distinguished record, frequently volunteering for the most hazardous missions. His heroism, good luck and coolness under fire were legendary.

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