Daily Bread for Whitewater, Wisconsin: 11-11-10

Good morning,

Today’s forecast for Whitewater calls for a partly sunny day, with a high temperature of sixty-one degrees.

It’s Veterans’ Day in America, and on this day in 1918, World War I came to an end, as imperial Germany accepted an armistice, ending the war. Here’s how the New York Times reported on the war’s end —

….The announcement was made verbally by an official of the State Department in this form:

“The armistice has been signed. It was signed at 5 o’clock A.M., Paris time, [midnight, New York time,] and hostilities will cease at 11 o’clock this morning, Paris time, [6 o’clock, New York time.]

The terms of the armistice, it was announced, will not be made public until later. Military men here, however, regard it as certain that they include:

Immediate retirement of the German military forces from France, Belgium, and Alsace- Lorraine.

Disarming and demobilization of the German armies.

Occupation by the allied and American forces of such strategic points in Germany as will make impossible a renewal of hostilities.

Delivery of part of the German High Seas Fleet and a certain number of submarines to the allied and American naval forces.

Disarmament of all other German warships under supervision of the allied and American Navies, which will guard them.

Occupation of the principal German naval bases by sea forces of the victorious nations.

Release of allied and American soldiers, sailors, and civilians held prisoners in Germany without such reciprocal action by the associated Governments….

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