Daily Bread for Whitewater, Wisconsin: 12-18-09

Good morning,

The forecast for Whitewater today is for patchy fog, with a high of thirty-three. There’s a slight chance of snow tonight, of little or no accumulation.

In each of the schools in our district this morning, at 8:30 AM, there will be ‘coffee with the principal’ sessions. Visitors can stop in for discussion with each school’s principal. There’s a Santa’s Workshop at Washington school today, and it’s spirit day at the Middle School.

In Wisconsin history today, nearby Lake Geneva missed an astonishing opportunity in 1950, as the Wisconsin Historical Society reports:

1950 – Lake Geneva Vies for Air Force Academy

On this date the city of Lake Geneva put forth efforts to be the future site for the U.S. Air Force Academy. A federal selection committee arrived to inspect the 100-room Stone Manor on Geneva Lake’s south shore and considered it as a possible headquarters building. The Air Force’s college for officers was eventually located in Colorado Springs, Colorado in 1958. [Source: Janesville Gazette]

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