Update 1:51:01 PM – I am not sure why this post did not load this morning, but here it is now –
Good morning,
The forecast for Whitewater today predicts cloudy skies, with a high of forty.
In the City of Whitewater, the Landmarks Commission meets late this afternoon, at 5 PM. The agenda for the meeting is available online.
There’s a book fair at Lincoln School today. Lincoln Elementary — home of the Leopards — wasn’t always a school with a mascot. I’ve met many graduates who can’t remember any mascot. I don’t know when Lincoln first adopted the leopard, but it’s a solid choice. I’m not convinced, though, that the logo on Lincoln’s website actually looks like a leopard. See for yourself:

I’ll leave it to others to decide if this is, in fact, reminiscent of a leopard. I still contend that the district’s whippet logo looks suspiciously like a greyhound, although others have written and assured me that it is truly a whippet. (See, About that “Whippet”….)