Daily Bread for Whitewater, Wisconsin: 12-29-09

Good morning,

It’s a cold day in Whitewater, with a predicted high of only 19 degrees.

There’s no school (of course) and no municipal, public meetings for the City of Whitewater (thankfully).

If one reads one local story today, about our part of the world, I would suggest the Gazette’s Walworth County Search Warrants Could Disappear. There’s much more to post of the topic, but I’ll first point toward the story.

It’s also the anniversary, from 1879, of the birthday of William “Billy” Mitchell. The Wisconsin Historical Society marks the anniversary:

1879 – General William “Billy” Mitchell Born

On this date aviation pioneer Billy Mitchell was born in Nice, France. Mitchell grew up in Milwaukee and attended Racine College. During World War I, Mitchell was the first American airman to fly over enemy lines. He also led many air attacks in France and Germany. Upon return to the U.S., he advocated the creation of a separate Air Force. Much to the dislike of A.T. Mahan, Theodore Roosevelt, and other contemporaries, Mitchell asserted that the airplane had rendered the battleship obsolete, and attention should be shifted to developing military air power. Mitchell’s out-spokenness resulted in his being court martialed for insubordination. He was sentenced to five years suspension of rank without pay. General Douglas MacArthur — an old Milwaukee friend — was a judge in Mitchell’s case and voted against his court martial. Mitchell’s ideas for developing military air power were not implemented until long after his death. In 1946 Congress created a medal in his honor, the General “Billy” Mitchell Award. Milwaukee’s airport, General Mitchell International Airport, is named after him. [Source: American Airpower Biography]

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